Saturday, September 14, 2013

Welcome to My Purity Pursuit

Hello, Friends.

Welcome to The Anti-Mirror Experiment, home of my own personal pursuit of purity.

Here you'll find blog posts documenting my journey to live as purely as possible.

About 2 months ago, I was in prayer and I felt as though God was leading me to pursue a path of purity. It has taken me a while to really discover what I think this means, but, in a nutshell, it has led me on this path of pursuing purity in every aspect of my life.
For example, after about 8 years, I've stopped taking birth control pills (which is scary for more than one reason), I quit using prescription skin medicines on my face (Differin and Clyndamycin gel), and I've stopped eating foods that make me feel TERRIBLE.
I'm working on deepening my yoga practice, spending more time outside, non-judgmental meditation, waking up and spending time with God in His Word, and trying to learn and follow who I believe God made me to be.

While journeying down this path, I came across a few unsettling side-effects. I developed a facial rash all around my mouth and near my eyes. It looked like bumps underneath red, flaky skin. I later discovered it was something called Perioral Dermatitis, which can be caused my many factors, including hormone changes. I began to think about how unhealthy birth control pills must be for you if they could cause such a reaction so quickly. After about two months of trial and error on several natural options, I finally discovered a routine that seemed to be healing and improving my rash. For about a week, I was so thrilled to watch my nemesis disappear! Manuka honey laced with Neem oil, Cucumber/Aloe Alcohol-free Witch Hazel, and California Baby Sensitive Skin Diaper Rash cream were going to be my new best friends! ...right?
Unfortunately, just as I thought I could see the light at the end of the tunnel, I noticed that everywhere I had treated my rash had begun to develop acne! The oils in my rash treatment had gotten rid of the rash, but clogged my pores and caused the return of that old problem I've been so familiar with. Trying to keep calm, I eliminated the neem oil and diaper rash cream from my routine and hoped for the best.
It has now been about a week and a half and, although I can see a little improvement, I find that I'm still obsessing over healing my face and somehow freeing myself from all of these pesky problems.
Then this morning I had an idea. A while back, while looking up natural alternatives, I discovered a skin routine called the Caveman Regimen. The idea is you don't wash, tone, moisturize, or really do ANYTHING to your face. I had originally planned on trying out this method, but kept thinking I should wait until I felt my skin was more acceptable to bear in public without any makeup. However, I realized this morning that God doesn't want me to do what is easy and comfortable for me at this very moment. This should be about growth... and isn't growth really only possible through some sort of discomfort? I mean, when it comes to God, I feel like He works so well in my life when I've come to a place of faith in Him and brokenness in myself. So I don't want to wait until this is easier or more comfortable because I believe God wants to heal me. I believe He wants to heal my skin, yes, but I also believe He wants to heal my psyche. I believe He wants me to worry about doing His work rather than worry about if all my spots are covered perfectly. If you think about it, isn't that the way humans were made? We weren't supposed to obsess over being as perfect as possible and, for that matter, if I believe in God and the purity of His own design, wouldn't that mean my skin should know how to deal with itself?
Long story short, the discovery of this seemingly-radical skincare routine has led me to believe that this might be the most pure answer I could find! Therefore, I believe a big part of my Purity Pursuit will be dedicated to my journey with the Caveman Regimen.

So here we go with the basics:
-Your skin has something called an "acid mantle" that helps protect and regulate itself. While we may think we are helping ourselves out by using all kinds of skincare "treasures," we are actually stripping off our natural barrier against bacteria and infection.
-Because we have all messed with our faces so much, it is said that your skin can regenerate and balance itself back out after about a month of the Caveman Regimen. So just like anything else, it won't fix everything over night.
-People report something called a "dead skin mask" that develops to protect their faces as the skin strives to re-balance and repair what has been done to it for so long. It is basically a build-up that your skin naturally produces during its efforts to get you back on track.
-Although I've read of people taking on different approaches to this regimen, I've decided that this will include not wearing makeup anymore. It is really scary for a girl who has been using beauty products as a crutch for about 8 years of my life. This video talks a lot about the issues many women have with getting rid of their makeup routines. (Tracy is also the author of the blog where I discovered the Caveman Regimen.)
-Because of my choice to quit with the makeup, I've also decided it would be beneficial if I avoided mirrors during the experiment. My husband and I went out this morning and picked up some black poster board and a notepad of colorful paper and he covered up the bathroom mirrors for me while I thought up inspirational mantras and found verses about courage in the Bible. I then posted them all over the black background to help encourage myself on this journey. I'm sure the board will be completely full by the end of the month. :)

-Lastly, just to clarify, some people do this regimen but still splash their faces with water once or twice a day. I have chosen to follow in Tracy's footsteps and try not to touch water to my face at all during this first 30 days. I want to give my skin the best chance I can to rebuild its acid mantle without any disruptions.

Anyway, I'll be documenting this journey and other pursuits of purity right here for everyone to see! Thank you for stopping by and I hope you find my discoveries enlightening, intriguing, or at least interesting. :) See you soon!

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