If you've never heard of the "purging period" with acne treatments, you've probably never had real acne. In my case, I find that the purging is the worst during week 2 and, unfortunately, it seems to be the same with The Caveman. I'm not sure if it is this purging period or the fact that the longer I go without the mirror, the more out of control I feel, but the past few days have been pretty rough.
Now that a lot of people know about my experiment, they seem eager to check in with me. This can be nice at times and often makes me feel like I have a great support group around me. However, during the past few days, it gets a little humiliating to have to put your spots out there to the people who basically want to examine your face to see if it is "working." Of course, I try to explain that I believe I'm in a purging stage, but most people don't understand that when they've never had serious acne. Needless to say, going to work this week has been a struggle and I find I'm fighting the urge to look in the mirror more often than before.
Conversely, I'm pretty grateful for the "no-mirror" rule because I can try to tell myself if I'm not seeing it, maybe it isn't there. I know that sounds weird, but I've spent a lot of time this week trying to replace the image in my mind of what I think I really look like. I try to imagine an image of myself completely clear and happy, without a spot to worry over. I've been reading a lot about how emotional health can effect treatment, so I've been trying to come up with smart ways to keep out of my Week 2 Slump as much as I possibly can.
Here are a few ideas I've either come up with or found online:
-read the Bible and pray often to seek God for hope, inspiration and help
-watch a lot of comedy
-smile and laugh as often as possible
-try to talk about other subjects that don't have to do with the experiment
-keep busy with work and home projects to keep my mind off of it
-(probably my favorite) when you feel a really low, stubborn mood, think of something that makes you laugh uncontrollably
Side Note: Once I spilled a water bottle all over myself while I was driving home from a long day. My response was a really slow and awkward, "Ooooh yummy..." as I wiped myself off. For some reason, every time I think of this, I can't help but burst out into laughter.
Yesterday, while in a really stubborn and grumpy mood, I was grabbing some Q-tips to refill my container and my hand hit the inside of the cabinet knocking a big pile of them onto the floor. How did I react? With a really angry, "Ohhh GEEEZ!" I paused for a moment and then repeated it in a squeaky voice like a 12-year-old kid in a 50's movie and began laughing hysterically.
So, in the spirit of laughter, here are some of my favorite YouTube videos:
DISCLAIMER: I know some of these aren't as clean as others, but I believe God has a sense of humor. :)
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